Our Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Georgia provides care and comfort for the families of seriously ill, critically injured or medically fragile children being treated at area medical facilities. We strive to strengthen families by keeping them close in times of medical need and crisis.
Since opening in 2002, we have provided comfortable beds, warm meals, hot showers, laundry facilities, internet access, and emotional support to over 7,500 families. When we opened our doors, we opened our hearts as well.
House Photo Gallery
select any photo for an enlarged view:

Welcome to the Ronald McDonald House of Central Georgia

Orange Street Porch

Aerial View


Administrative Offices

Conference Room

Dining Room


Guest Room



Laundry Room

Living Room

Storage Room

TV Room
Keeping Families Close
Each day of the year, our families sit down with other families and friends to celebrate life's small miracles. It takes thousands of individuals, clubs, schools businesses and large corporations from our community to create this special place of care and comfort. We invite you to join us!